发布:2022-09-23 07:19:54 关注:21994次
顾宁,中国科学院院士、南京大学教授、博士生导师。教育部特聘教授、国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、第七届“全国优秀科技工作者”。中国微米纳米技术学会会士、美国医学与生物工程院会士(AIMBE Fellow)。国家纳米研究重大科学研究计划项目两任首席科学家、国家重点研发计划项目负责人、国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目主持人、全国百篇优博指导教师。
Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Openings
Medical School of Nanjing University, China
1. About the Academician
Dr. Gu is a Professor in Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. He obtained his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at Southeast University in 1996. followed by the postdoctoral research at University of Yamanashi, Japan. Dr.Gu has been well recognized for his professional accomplishments with national and international awards and honors, including Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) Fellow, Yangtze River Scholars Distinguished Professor, The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, State Science and Technology Progress Award, and State Natural Science Award, etc. Dr.Gu has dedicated himself to the research in nanomedicine for more than 30 years, with special interests in the fields of biomedical nanomaterials, including fabrication, characterization and biomedical application of iron-based magnetic nanomaterials and synthetic phospholipids. Dr.Gu has published over 500 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, ACS Nano, etc, and obtained over 100 patents for invention.
2. Description of Openings
Medical School of Nanjing University plans to recruit outstanding young talents from all over the world who are interested in major research directions in the field of basic medicine to work in the school. There are eight openings at the level of tenure-track associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor. The candidates are expected to teach and research in the following areas:
1) Magnetism instruments(including MRI, MPI)and magnetic materials for medical use;
2) Intelligent medical engineering (including biomedical signal processing, image processing and analysis);
3) Research on cell bioinformatics and technology.
3. Qualifications
(1) Compliance with the laws and regulations, enthusiasm in teaching and research.
(2) Compliance with academic integrity and ethics, no criminal record.
(3) First-class academic background: PhD in related subject area, the experience of studying and working in first-class teaching and scientific research institutions, and be familiar with international cutting-edge research trends in related fields.
(4) Excellent teaching ability: teaching core basic courses and cutting-edge courses, mastering good teaching methods, and strong language expression ability.
(5) Outstanding research achievement display and future research development potential: a strong record of research publications, an original view on relevant research field, a clear future research plan, and a good academic potential.
4. Application Materials Required
(1) Curriculum Vitae (including a publication list).
(2) Research Statement.
(3) Research Plan.
(4) Three reference letters.
(5) Teaching Statement.
5. Working at Nanjing University
A successful applicant will be provided with:
(1) Competitive and negotiable salary.
(2) Start-up research funds.
(3) Quotas to supervise graduate students.
(4) Turnover apartment, housing subsidies, and purchase qualification for considerable discounted commercial housing provided by the university
(5) Assistance in the school enrollment of children.
6. Important Dates
Application deadline: December 31. 2022
Expected date of announcement of application results: May 31. 2023
7. Contact Us
Tel.: +86 (0)25-83686451 (Ms. Peng)
Email: ylpeng@nju.edu.cn
Address: 202. Southeast Building, Medical School, Nanjing University, 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing