发布:2021-11-23 21:29:58 关注:19191次
sjtu-paris tech elite institute of technology is a joint institute sponsored by paris institute of technology and shanghai jiao tong university.
招聘岗位:法语教师 | |
招聘人数:1名 |
聘用方式 |
劳动聘用 |
招聘条件 |
研究生教育学历,博士学位 1、法语相关专业的博士学位,具有相关教学工作经验者优先;2、法语水平达到dalf/delf c1,并具有较好的英语水平;3、热爱教学,并具有较强的事业心和沟通协调能力;4、具有良好的团队合作精神;5、年龄45周岁以下,特别优秀者可适当放宽。requirements:1. having a ph. d in french as a foreign language or in french language and culture or in translation (chinese-french). 2. having 2 years working experience in related field will be a plus. 3. excellent level in french language (dalf c1) and good level in english (working language). 4. having good communication skills 5. ability of work in team |
岗位职责 |
与学院法语教学团队中的其他教师合作,承担相应的课程教学任务、开展教学研究,并参与学院学科建设参加相关的教学活动和其他公益活动responsibility:conducting related teaching hours per week and usual non-teaching duties as required. be involved in french,language teaching and disciplinary construction. |
岗位待遇 |
按上海交通大学统一规定执行;对于特别优秀、经验丰富的应聘者可面谈。 |
其他 |
无 |
联系方式 |
联系人:顾老师 tel:021-34202941;e-mail:,邮件标题注明:应聘某某岗位+本人姓名+高校人才网。 联系地址:上海市闵行区东川路800号 |